Emmanual Marfo, Ghana, Africa, Founding Executive Director, The Global Alliance for Development Foundation (GADeF) has agreed to assume the role of Director of eCommerce for The Legacy of ABC4All.
AWWN (Press Release) - Jan. 21, 2013 - ABC4All Mentor, Emmanuel Marfo, Ghana, Africa assumes role as Director of eCommerce for The ABC4All Legacy.
Emmanual Marfo, Ghana, Africa, ABC4All Mentor and Founding Executive Director, The Global Alliance for Development Foundation (GADeF) has agreed to assume the role of Director of eCommerce for The Legacy of ABC4All.
With this voluntary commitment to serve as the Director of ABC4All ecommerce found at http://ecommerce.abc4all.net, Marfo will be coordinating the information about all aspects of ABC4All eCommerce activity including global marketing strategies in cooperation with ABC4All Partners. The effort and contributions Emmanuel will be providing on behalf of The Legacy of ABC4All (http://loa.abc4all.net) are greatly appreciated and will contribute to the goal of “Self-FUNding4All.” Please visit http://nesf.abc4all.net.
Responding to President Barack Obama's call for each of us to assume responsibility to help make the world a better place for all, ABC4All’s development dates back 15 years. ABC4All Mentors have been responding to the call of President Obama whose words are echoed by ABC4All Mentor Waleed from Egypt http://profiles.tigweb.org/waleed:
"And I want to particularly say this to young people of every faith, in every country - you, more than anyone, have the ability to remake this world." -- President Barack Obama speaking at Cairo University
Waleed's Dream: "There is no doubt that TakingITGlobal is the most important online place. Only TIG can help young leaders all over the world to exchange our ideas and think together about achieving the best. With TIG there is no borders between us - only what we need is to be online to make new friendships between each other and respect one another. I have a dream that I would like to live to see the day that all youth leaders in all over the world from TIG will be the real leaders in their countries. Then we will have all what we need to reach our goals, not only for youth, but for our world and our next generations."
ABOUT EMMANUEL MARFO: http://profiles.tigweb.org/EmmanuelMarfo
Emmanuel Marfo is a young management and development consultant, social entrepreneur and a philanthropist with a passionate commitment to helping empower his fellow youth through education, leadership, social entrepreneurship and sustainable project development.
He grew in Ghana as a youth mentor and coach while studying for his first degree and a diploma in Publishing Administration and Business Management and Administration respectively. He also holds the globally recognized Project Management Professional (PMP) certification.
His areas of expertise are Private Sector and Rural Development, specifically Monitoring and Evaluation, Business Development and Management, Entrepreneurship, Gender, Micro-Finance delivery mechanisms and implementation as well as Community Driven Development with an emphasis on participatory methodologies, Sustainable Livelihoods and Rights Based Approaches.
As a Founding Executive Director for Global Alliance for Development Foundation and Youth Community Development Foundation along with his 4 years’ work as a managing consultant for Humanlink Management Institute, a human resources development centre and an institution for digital training utilizing next generation communication technologies, he has two prompt approaches in his development work. These approaches both seek policy dialogue and search for youth engagement and participation in decision-making and implementation as well as developing the capacity of youth for such meaningful engagement.
Marfo includes in his dedicated volunteerism acting as the Communications and Outreach Director for UNEP Youth Climate Report and the Country Director and host of youth radio programs for African Views. Emmanuel coordinates the African Youth and Governance Conference that involves over 35 African Countries and Diaspora.
As Ghana’s Mentor to the TUNZA International Children and Youth Conference, Indonesia in 2011, his work has impacted Children and Youth from various countries. His passionate work combines to take part with global peace building, with his activities having been recognized globally. Most recently, Emmanuel Marfo has been appointed Youth Ambassador for Peace by the Emerging Futures Youth Network. Emmanuel advocates a roadmap to “-----Partnerships and Empowerment for Sustainability-----“
A Better Community for All (ABC4All) is a group of dedicated volunteers working at great self-sacrifice without funding from any source with intention to harness the power of the Internet to create sustainable opportunities that will lead to Self-FUNding4All.
Through this means any Local ABC4All Effort that is created in the world can bring resources together to create improvements in local communities.
ABC4All has been exposed to technologies that can, with appropriate support from every corner of the globe, lead to improvement in basic needs, including better water and better agricultural practices. These advanced technologies are shared, in part, at ABC4All World Solutions™
The unique and innovative opportunities being made available represent precedent-setting cooperation and collaboration among individuals, groups, nonprofits, NGOs, CEOs/companies throughout the world that utilize existing capabilities via a distribution method, "Global Relief Distribution," in which there is no corporation that hoards money and gives little or nothing to charities.
Instead, there will be co-venturing with any/all nonprofits/NGOs in the world who want to cooperate with the derived wealth from the creation of the distribution of the advanced technologies shared across all the cooperating NGOs/nonprofits of the world.
Emmanuel Marfo
Phone Head Office: +233 200592979/ +233 243823177/ +233 352099840
Email infogadef @ gmail (dot) com
Website http://www.gadef.org
The Legacy of ABC4All
P. O. Box 1624
Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624
Email abc4allteam @ abc4all (dot) net
Website http://loa.abc4all.net