i am an american and presently in the philippines,for the 3rd time this year.my first trip here i was amazed that every store,business,including banks,pharmacy,and what-ever-type of business,has an armed guard posted at the entrance.i wandered how high the crime rate was here, for this to be necessary.one is actually patted down and many carry portable medal detectors.although americans are usually just smiled at and are able to pass, still there is a small scale pat down.most armed guards carry machine guns.i thought to myself that this was like getting carried away.upon learning of the shotting in conn., i am now totally covinced that this is perhaps the only way to stop the murders,not only in schools, but in all the places they have taken place in recent history.america needs to wake up and protect our children and our loved ones.i am returning on jan.2nd, and although i was oposed to this level of security,prior to the shootings,it would now be a welcomed sight,and accepted with opened arms, upon my arrival in the usa.what other alternative do we have?