I must say to the grieving families that my heart grieves and aches for you all. your sorrows, griefs, lost are our sorrows, griefs and lost. we mourn your loved lost innocent, beautiful children who are now god's angels.
we are equally devastated , lost and sad in this very sad tragedy which has striked our nation and state. the whole world is in mourning for the families of the innocent victims of this evil.
i have no words only griefs and cries and prayer to mourn. as i write this i have tears in my eyes and each tear wails for those innocent beautiful children and their beloved parents and their family. i can only say may god give us the strength, the compassion, the humbleness to withstand this sad tragedy. and to never forget all the victims of this heinous evil. may we make it sure in our heart and mind that not those but these children of god be always be alive in our heart and soul and cherish and keep their beautiful memories eternal for time to come and by creating some kind of remembrance in form of wall memorial " children of god" . what could be a better way to cherish and remember these little angels! this will in a way bring all of us to gather in being more better human beings, more compassionate, humble, kind people as Robbie Parker the father of innocent little victim Emilie said that the tragedy "not turn into something that defines us, but something that inspires us to be better, to be more compassionate and more humble people."
these is who we are and who we should be . this is the greatest nation on earth and we are the people of this greatest nation. we lead the world in making this planet a beautiful place to live to love our fellow beings, better humanity bye example. now is the time to be strong, to gather no matter what in constructive ways to stop the evil to come again and destroy our lives and children.
let us first look at all the meaningful ways, like gun control laws to start with to restrict the use of guns. leave aside politics consider seriously the arms acts and let washington hear our voice and enforce strict gun control acts not in a year but as soon as possible for the betterment of the society and above all for the safety of our innocent children. this is now or never!
second is to look at the grass root level of what is it that turns a 20 year old boy in a evil monster? i know right now its one of the toughest question everyone is asking why? why? that also to innocent beautiful children the god's children! grass root level starts within our shelves.
most important need of life is to be a better human, morals, value of life. what can be more important then life? god has given us only one life and to make better use of it in a good meaningful way. in to days world there is much need of love, care, nurture, good up bringing that sense of care for our kids which will always result in a better person never turning into a monster like the 20 year old boy. and no evil will strike and destroy our life and children if our kids turn out to be fine human beings. i know there are many pondering questions as of now but this nation has seen evil and dealt with evil. our strength love for each other the care will never allow the evil to strike!
i can only say to all those parents, family of lost ones and children we deeply mourn and grieve for your lost ones! we pray to god to give you strength and passion! may god be with us all!
we are equally devastated , lost and sad in this very sad tragedy which has striked our nation and state. the whole world is in mourning for the families of the innocent victims of this evil.
i have no words only griefs and cries and prayer to mourn. as i write this i have tears in my eyes and each tear wails for those innocent beautiful children and their beloved parents and their family. i can only say may god give us the strength, the compassion, the humbleness to withstand this sad tragedy. and to never forget all the victims of this heinous evil. may we make it sure in our heart and mind that not those but these children of god be always be alive in our heart and soul and cherish and keep their beautiful memories eternal for time to come and by creating some kind of remembrance in form of wall memorial " children of god" . what could be a better way to cherish and remember these little angels! this will in a way bring all of us to gather in being more better human beings, more compassionate, humble, kind people as Robbie Parker the father of innocent little victim Emilie said that the tragedy "not turn into something that defines us, but something that inspires us to be better, to be more compassionate and more humble people."
these is who we are and who we should be . this is the greatest nation on earth and we are the people of this greatest nation. we lead the world in making this planet a beautiful place to live to love our fellow beings, better humanity bye example. now is the time to be strong, to gather no matter what in constructive ways to stop the evil to come again and destroy our lives and children.
let us first look at all the meaningful ways, like gun control laws to start with to restrict the use of guns. leave aside politics consider seriously the arms acts and let washington hear our voice and enforce strict gun control acts not in a year but as soon as possible for the betterment of the society and above all for the safety of our innocent children. this is now or never!
second is to look at the grass root level of what is it that turns a 20 year old boy in a evil monster? i know right now its one of the toughest question everyone is asking why? why? that also to innocent beautiful children the god's children! grass root level starts within our shelves.
most important need of life is to be a better human, morals, value of life. what can be more important then life? god has given us only one life and to make better use of it in a good meaningful way. in to days world there is much need of love, care, nurture, good up bringing that sense of care for our kids which will always result in a better person never turning into a monster like the 20 year old boy. and no evil will strike and destroy our life and children if our kids turn out to be fine human beings. i know there are many pondering questions as of now but this nation has seen evil and dealt with evil. our strength love for each other the care will never allow the evil to strike!
i can only say to all those parents, family of lost ones and children we deeply mourn and grieve for your lost ones! we pray to god to give you strength and passion! may god be with us all!