I was listening to the president recite the names of the fallen heroes and it triggered my senses and I could not wait to hear it again. I listened again and realized that four of the children were Daniel, Jessica, Catherine, Allison and a teacher name Rachel and these are the names of five out of six of my children. I am already emotional and feeling lost but to hear my children name called out it made me feel closer and now more hateful of the killers family. I normally ignore the news because it usually just brings us sorrow and agony but to hear the uncle of the killer tell us to respect their privacy is an arrogant and offensive statement and he needs to be investigated. The mother of the killer was getting paid a hefty alimony payment and now she is dead so the father should make that payment to the family of our dead heroes because if he did not provide the nasty DNA that created this chaos we would not be in mourning this Christmas Holiday. Laws should be pass so people with mental children that cannot cope with society should not have guns in their home and this should extend to relatives like the uncle who is a sheriff in New Hampshire. Plus pass a law that manufacturers of weapon companies are responsible for paying a payment to victims family for life. And to stop copy cat killers we need to ignore the names of the killers and never think of them again for evil should not be spoken. The teachers should be given medals and the children should forever be remembered as our Angels. And please remove the killer's mother face from the picture of the victims. I never met these children but for some reason I feel like I have miss something in my life. This is not the time for healing, it is time to discover what could have been done to prevent this and pursue the guilty.