Korea had the presidential election on December 19. The strong man's daughter, Kyun-hae Park, was elected. But many Koreans affirm that the election was fraudulent and illegal. Many kinds of evidence for the affirmation were found. The important evidence is the electronic ballot counting.
Can you help us spread this out?
- Reasons South Koreans suspect rigging in their 18th presidential election. http://2012skpreselection.blogspot.com/2012/12/the-actual-vote-counting-hasnt-started.html
- South Koreans and electors living overseas published a statement to demand inspection of the election. http://2012skpreselection.blogspot.com/2012/12/sign-statement-for-transparency-of-18th.html?m=1
- Koreans are now petitioning even the white house. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/there-are-election-rigging-made-progressive-program-have-been-used-18th-presidential-election-s/KPVGRdpY
Can you help us spread this out?
- Reasons South Koreans suspect rigging in their 18th presidential election. http://2012skpreselection.blogspot.com/2012/12/the-actual-vote-counting-hasnt-started.html
- South Koreans and electors living overseas published a statement to demand inspection of the election. http://2012skpreselection.blogspot.com/2012/12/sign-statement-for-transparency-of-18th.html?m=1
- Koreans are now petitioning even the white house. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/there-are-election-rigging-made-progressive-program-have-been-used-18th-presidential-election-s/KPVGRdpY