The western world didn't believe we are fighting terrorism in Egypt when we removed Morsi from power who granted Jihadists presidential pardons. Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist group that repeatedly threatened of burning Egypt and committing acts of terrorism if it's not allowed to assume power. Historically speaking, terrorism has always been the most prominent role they played in the history of Egypt. All through his rule Morsi's militias committed acts of terror as tormenting and killing civilizations in front of Etihadia palace in the early months of his rule. After dispersing Rabaa Al Adawyaa armed sit-in their leaders and members swore to commit new acts of terror. Today in the morning they bombed a car on the road of the minster of interior's procession. Several people were seriously injured and some had their limbs amputated including women and kids . This is the truth about the terrorist group MB. Do you know that this group in alliance with Al Qaeda are the main parties representing the Syrian opposition? Western countries want to strike Syria to provide radical Islamists with a safe haven in Syria. Never trust terrorists no matter what guise they may come in.