I read another ireporter's report on kids who are over weight having the school send "fat letters" home.
Although I understand the sentiment of his report, as a parent, I see it differently.
Yes, many schools are now getting involved in health screening for children they believe are an "unhealthy" weight. But all that people report on is the over weight kids.
But there's another side to this...
The supposed under weight child.
This is my daughter's BMI chart (pic #1) is from July of this year. The second pic is of her.
Her BMI is extremely low.
Now her pediatrician is not worried, considering her growth pace, it's understandable.
The school on the other hand...just sees the numbers.
Schools are NOT doctors and shouldn't be in the business of diagnosing a child health issues.
What if my daughter takes it to heart that she's "to skinny"? And decides she needs to change.
They could end up doing as much damage as the think they are doing good.