Dear Mr. President: On thee American agenda we have "Obama Care" and there is a tricky glitch to the health care process? If people are getting healthier, by eating right or obesity, or quitting smoking and gaining lung and heart capacity or being non-drinkers and ending toxicity? Then where is the increased revenue for labor, for a health conscience society? Health care is not including pay raises for greater output! Employers can argue over the medical tax, like work mans compensation, but healthy employees, create a safer work environment, lessening costs. Also as people regard regulatory health issues in our routines and diets or habits... health-care costs will plummet and let the employer off the hook. Just a word to the wise, health care is a two sided coin, and a win, win, situation for the employer. Now if we could only do something for (the opiate of the masses) peoples uncontrolled sex lives, and their gambling addictions, that equal a medical condition, called: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD. That's a fact. Thank you: An American Citizen and Constituent.