Over the last 4 years Obama has spent 6 trillion dollars compared to Bush's 4.5 trillion over 8 years. Both were wrong to do it. Their policies really do not differ, both spend money on Military and Domestic fronts that benefit the wealthy and place debt on the American citizens. Both Political parties answer to THE FEDERAL RESERVE and the Council on Foreign Relations, they could care less about the American People - all we are is the source of revenue to them, and if we can't provide enough, well they just print more for themselves and in the process make your money worth less. The sophisticated folks call that INFLATION, i call it a HIDDEN TAX.
Research their Cabinet Positions and Political Appointees if you don't believe me. They even have companies and executives in " The President's Circle " I'm not in a circle, are you? Hope its not like Meet The Fockers " Circle of Trust " cause once you are out, you aren't allowed back in. Folks we've been out for 100 years and agreeing to disarm is not going to help are chances of getting back in.
Look at Obama's next appointments for Sec. of State - John Kerry - C.F.R. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew -C.F.R. - Chuck Hagel Sec. of Defense - C.F.R. same as his previous cabinet and bush's clinton's bush sr and all presidents since Woodrow Wilson. Folks, you know how you have an inkling that corporations control the government, well you were right - they call themselves the Counsil on Foreign Relations - they run the show - plain and simple. Piers Morgan works for Time-Warner, a C.F.R. Corporate Member. Go figure!!!!
But now they want to disarm the Public - Probably because they know something really bad is about to happen or they have plans for the American people that they know are going to make us mad. Don't be fooled by these attempts to play on your emotions. The fact is, these laws won't help, look at Norway - you can't stop the lone - assassain's attempts at reaping havoc on the world, but you can be prepared for them - unless these guys get their way.
Do you really think that a government that refuses to pass a budget and spends your money like a drunken sailor cares about your safety - Obviously not your financial safety so why would they care about your physical safety?
They want to disarm the public- of course they won't tell you that - that would be stupid - and one thing these guys aren't, are stupid, in fact they are very smart - they know exactly what they are doing.
What's even crazier, is the same weapons they want to take away from us - they gave to the Mexican Cartels just a year or two ago. You might want to take a step back and think long and hard over this debate!!