Newsflash: the creation of a coordinating victims ocp Skills Ambush Hattane
Statement No. 1: the content
Within the framework of dialogue father is a mainstay resolve various problems and crises and as our dossier is in what is legal ask the responsible parties to open channels of dialogue to find a solution pox to this problem heritage and it there are cases pending Bhtan affected program DDR direct underlined by complex OCP
And as the Constitution authorizes the right of citizens of the right to submit petitions on any the Ashmalah face we decided we might benefit from the program above Aldkr - affected by non-completion of the process to take advantage - creating and coordinating
Our program will be as follows
Open dialogue with:
1 * local authority in the person of Pasha City
2 * Mr. King factor province
3 * representative of the complex OCP region
4 * Prime Minister
Statement Moved as distributed copies of it and us
Coordinating representing 40 victims of the component ocp Skills Hattane Ambush
News correspondent Jaouad hayane
Statement No. 1: the content
Within the framework of dialogue father is a mainstay resolve various problems and crises and as our dossier is in what is legal ask the responsible parties to open channels of dialogue to find a solution pox to this problem heritage and it there are cases pending Bhtan affected program DDR direct underlined by complex OCP
And as the Constitution authorizes the right of citizens of the right to submit petitions on any the Ashmalah face we decided we might benefit from the program above Aldkr - affected by non-completion of the process to take advantage - creating and coordinating
Our program will be as follows
Open dialogue with:
1 * local authority in the person of Pasha City
2 * Mr. King factor province
3 * representative of the complex OCP region
4 * Prime Minister
Statement Moved as distributed copies of it and us
Coordinating representing 40 victims of the component ocp Skills Hattane Ambush
News correspondent Jaouad hayane