Yukio Hatoyama the former Janpnese Prime Minister visited the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders , this is a very good move, at least in Japan there are politicians, who knew that China was invaded by Japan, there was a massacre by Japanese Imperial Force in Dec 1937 , in this massacre, 250,000 -300,000 Chinese Citizen were killed , 20000 Chinese Women were raped By Japanese Imperial Force, this was a scar of China History, we common Chinese remember this, even we do not want foul the past history, but we need Japan to acknowlege the history, we need Japan to teach Japanese People right history, Japanese People should know the history for peaceful developing with Asian Countries instead of triggering another war on Island issue.
From the picture we saw Mr.Yukio Hatoyama very sincere, we commonChinese people very much appreciated his move.