The gas plant workers should have been BETTER protected BEFORE al qaeda struck !
These people want to enforce sharia law in Mali and everywhereelse and kill whites and christians on sight...they believe they have the RIGHT to!
And these people are ready to STOP them in their tracks anywhere, anytime!
They are the BEST commandos in the World The US navy SEALs and the British SAS they are NOT afraid of anyone or anything and are the free World's protectors against terrorist fanatics who murder innocent men, women and children indiscriminately and mercilessly !and by so doing, contrary to their beliefs and motives, they do more harm to the image of islam than good !
- Terrorists like al qaeda,etc search for SOFT targets, they found one uprotected in Mali where decent, unarmed, hard working folk from all over the World where banded together to provide a necessary energy service. The terrorists assaulted them, held them hostage then murdered them in cold blood!
- I believe the SEALs and SAS who could have prevented the carnage could and should have been there BEFORE this horrific incident happened, just like they should have been at the US consul in Libya BEFORE that recent attack that killed the US Ambassador ! Prevention is better than cure and surely, with all the hi-tech satellite surveillance these days Western intelligence MUST have had SOME indication of heavily armed, obviously terrorists in their attire,etc were advancing across a huge, open desert towards that facility !
- Of course defense departments and governments will now scramble to cover their incompetences but we can all clearly see their inability and irresponsibility to protect their citizens or respond UNTIL it's too late !
- The Algerians tried, but their special forces are NOT trained up to the SEALs or SAS standards and methods so the whole scenario became a cross fire where everyone was shooting at everyone else, there was NO inter force coordination or even proper communication and the fact that different languages were spoken by the French, Nigerians and Algerians created an inevitable nightmare !
- If the SEALs and or the SAS been on the scene, knowing how well they are trained they would have focused on successfully rescuing the hostages first and foremost, not getting the terrorists...they would have carefully quitely and logistically surveilled the place, positioned the hostages location as best they could and more than likely waited until dark, using infra red nightscopes to close in on their targets. They would also as an option even tried to establish some form of communication with the terrorists if possible, but most certainly, considering the hostages vulnerability and danger would NOT have rushed in shooting dangerously like the Algerians chose to !
- It's too late now I know.....23 hostages are dead and my condolences to their loved ones. I hope that in future the SEALs and SAS rapid response forces will be closer at all and any potentially dangerous places where Western citizens are working.