It has been trying times for our Country's School system, I know I'm not the only one that cried whith the President because of Sandy Hook and other related stories. We still have a major move that some are over looking it I feel like, I stopped working on this to get my head right and now I'm ready. The Common Core Standard is very important to the future of this Country. It is easier to send a message to President Obama that it is the the Secretary of Education it seems. I have been working very hard to get everything set for the Common Core Standard. I have served and sacificed for this great Country of ours. Now my son is serving and I have am ready to do this. This is a great story! How long has it been, that a new teaching/learning ruler, has been invented? Almost 200 years? When my best friend sent me his invention, (Patent Number 7497027) when I was looking at the e-mail, not knowing my 15 year old daughter was looking over my shoulder. Then she said "That gives me a headache Dad". I didn't want to tell her, I didn't know what I was looking also. I ask me to send me a physical prototype and he told me he only had one proto type, and it's big and bulky. So, I ask him to send me the schematics and let me make one myself. There was a pause, and he said "I don't know how your going to make one!" and I said, let me worry about that, I just want to understand what I looking at. He sent me the schematics on paper, and I just cut it out and laminated it with boxing tape, and the Radius Ruler was born. He call it Radius Gauge. When I had it made, my daughter looked at it, and said "That's Cool! and went around measuring everything. That's when it hit me. This is a great learning tool! That day Jessica (My Daughter) learned a lot about radii and she didn't even realize it, because she was having fun. That's how the concept of the Radius Ruler came about in Mobile, Al. If you get a "That's cool" from a 15 year old, you really got something. I have my own patent (7540622) called the Reflective Star, that I have been working on. It was so ironic that we got our patents in the same month and didn't even know we both applied for one. Well, Stan passed in Feb. 2010. So I got a marketing company to working on my invention, and I took the reins on the Radius Ruler. I have learned that there are many hoops to jump threw to get anything in our school systems, but I feel that I am so close. Now that the Common Core Standard is going on, timing is of the essence! This simple idea is going to go down in history as a turning point in teaching geometry. We can use the Radius Ruler in the 5th grade as a project, to introduce students to this type of measuring. In the 6th grade build a lesson around the ruler and students well be better prepared for middle school. When you put a physical learning tool in a students hand, they grasp and retain the information much better. Right now if a child picks up a stick, and you can ask them how long it is, they will tell you. Ask a kid on a skateboard to do a 180 or a 360, they know what your talking about. Ask a kid, or adult for that matter, how round is a standard cd? The child will have a confused look, and how many adults would even attempt to answer? We were just not taught that third dimension in measuring, so most adults don't know how to answer that. I have learned so much since I have been working with the Radius Ruler. I have made a facebook page for it and even created a web-site, for teachers and students to have FREE access to copy, paste, print and build their own Radius Ruler. This simple idea is so new, most people don't know what they are looking at when it's made. You have to show them how it works by sliding the wedge and they say Oh! or OK! This is our way to do something for our country's struggling school systems. No credit card needed and it makes it fun to learn about radii. Math teachers can use it as a project, or even build a whole lesson around it for FREE! There are several videos on youtube about it and on the web-site itself. "How to Use the Radius Ruler" "How to Build a Radius Ruler" and "Hole in the Education System" After all this, we can make a smarter planet. Or is that copy written?