(Community School Project) The Coeur d'Alene Strike is at a big point in which a lot of conflict is happening. We interview one of the bosses and one of the workers involved in the strike. When the two workers were interviewed, the strike was at a big point. At this time, the workers have abandoned their jobs and are trying to get the factories and mines to be shut down. The workers are saying that they want more pay for their jobs and not to be required to do 10 hours per day. The workers want to work 9 hours per day instead of 10 hours per day. On the other hand, the bosses believe that the workers should get less pay for all of their hard work. After the workers had gone on strike, every train to Coeur d'Alene was filled with people that wanted the strikers' jobs. The strikers had to guard the factory and chase the strike breakers away when they came in to try to be hired. When we asked them about the gunfire on July 10, 1892, they said that the workers were being shot at by the guards. This then caused another big fight about who fired the first shot. The workers all agreed that the guards had fired the first shot. This is all of the information that we have on the situation right now. We will be back with more later.