King in a Word
Room 216 from Greenberg Elementary in Philadelphia, PA describes Martin Luther King in just one word.
View ArticleI CONFESS
I WILL START THIS OFF CHURCH!!! James 5:16 01/14/2013 Houston, Texas time 8:20 Am Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer...
View Article"Mom!"
"The four Kniola boys are really getting the best of me!" "Mom, come here, look at this." "Mom, I can't find it, can you come here and show me?" "Mom, I want to go to a friends house, I need a ride."...
View ArticleCowboys
In our class we have been disusing cowboys. Do you think there made out to be something there not? We call them our heroes, but in reality were they the "bad guys"? After all they did take the Indians...
View ArticleSweet Roll Bacon And Coffee
Stevie Alimonos Films. Lucille having a nice breakfast consisting of Sweet Roll Bacon And Coffee.
View ArticleAn Update On The Coeur d'Alene Strike
(Community School Project) The Coeur d'Alene Strike is at a big point in which a lot of conflict is happening. We interview one of the bosses and one of the workers involved in the strike. When the two...
View ArticleDone
I am usually a good judge of character however on this one I was way off. Lance Armstrong once represented all that was strong and good. As an athlete myself and with my two youngest sons who are also...
View ArticleMorsi, you are fired?
American Taxpayers pay Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood almost 2 billons every year while there is fight in congress to cut spending. Let us see what Morsi did since he was fraudulently elected president...
View ArticleDetroit Motor Show: Die Frauen Hinter smart
CCM News - Detroit. Wenn sich diese beiden Frauen treffen, haben sie vor allem ein Thema: Autos. Und zwar nicht irgendwelche, sondern diese kleinen, praktischen Zeitgenossen. Gerade, wenn es um den...
View ArticleSky Scraping
Photo of the fog settling down over the Chrysler building in NYC, about 7 days before hurricane Sandy hit.
View ArticleRhapsody in Yellow
Yellow Stone National Park, was extremely captivating for a photographer like me not only for its universally recognized richness and diversity but also for its stunning beauty after having been lashed...
View ArticleThe Curious Case of Lance Armstrong
F. Scott Fitzgerald once wrote, “show me a hero and I’ll write you a tragedy.” Nowhere does this quotation seem more apt than in the case of Lance Armstrong. On one side of the coin we have the hero: a...
View ArticleSnowbear in Tokyo!
A small bear-shaped snowman spotted in Tamagawa, Tokyo, during the heaviest snowfall in years.
View ArticleBulling
Today I learned that bulling is not uncommon. It happens everywhere. At my school we had a talked and I learned a story about a 10 year old little girl who wanted to die because she didn't like her...
View ArticleThe Statement
I was fascinated by this guy holding this oil-paper umbrella walking towards to the Capitol Hill in the Pride's Parade. It was so inspiring and captivating.
View ArticlePhi Phi Island
In the lagoon of one of the most beautiful islands in the world (off the coast of Phuket, Thailand).
View ArticleAlberta: end of day on the range
It's -33 below Celcius. The cattle are tired and cold and still feeding. A sign the cold is causing stress. This is Northern Alberta in winter. Some months it becomes -45 below with 60 mile per hour...
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