Today I learned that bulling is not uncommon. It happens everywhere. At my school we had a talked and I learned a story about a 10 year old little girl who wanted to die because she didn't like her life. The girls at her school called her every mean word there is to hear. Now this happened to a 10 year old. Teachers, parents, and adults what would you do if you 10 year old kid came home crying their eyes out saying they wanted to die and never wanted to go back to school ever again, and that was at the age of 10. Us people need to take a stand to stop the bulling cause all that is happening is its increasing. Guns are like words, knifes are like actions you may not know that you are being a bully but take a look in the mirror at your self and think of how many kids you have called stupid or weird. you may not think that its bad but deep inside that other kid there heart is broken because of a word you thought would be funny to say. Think about that.