2005. I always log in in the evening to chat with my Mother who is working in Turkey. That evening around 10:30. I joined a chat room, for models. Just to kill time since I am waiting for my Mom to log in. Then a name popped on my screen "happy_joyful. we chatted and well of course at first he seem "nice'. We just chat if only I am online. Not until it became like an everyday routine. We have been friends for almost 8yrs now. I lied to him at first, because I have no interest on online friendship. I feel its stupid. But later on, he became more caring and attach. He calls me wherever and whenever he will be, I let him know my whereabouts, and most of what we plan to do everyday we inform each other. The strange thing about it, was that we never ask anything from one other as to what we expect from each other. It's just taking place as we live each day. Like a breath of air and a drink of water. Because we don't want the other person to worry, we conciously let the other person know what is happening for the day.
The highs.
The lows would be, umm if and when the internet connection failed and then the phone lines were jammed, then that's were the down side will be taking place. And if i went to a certain place i feel i am oblige to share photos just to let him see what happened. Even if he doesn't ask for it. The feeling is mutual. If you're rushing to log off there's a thought of "why is she/he rushing without even a kiss?". We thought of ending it up couple of times. Just letting go and move on with our two separate lives. For a month or two and then one message from him or from me, everything's back to where we left off. It's a wonderful feeling, beautiful time, seems endless laughters. He is, . My critic, My mate, My enemy, and guess what else? I don't know. I am just happy.