Million of Pakistanis join hands with Dr.Tahir-ul-Qadriwhen he called for a huge sit-in in capital week ago. People were hoping a new revolution behind the activity. Although behind the curtain is a different story.
THE BIG REVOLUTIONPeople postponed their engagements and walk with Mr.Qadri. At the first day of walk mobile phone service was temporarily terminated. People in the walk could not contact each other. They had to walk whole night on foot while Mr.Qadriwas in his luxury bullet proof car.
It was very obvious that nothing will happen but still people were supporting Mr.Qadriin hope of revolution. Extreme weather condition and distorting hope made people to leave but they freaked out when internal security of Mr.Qadricompelled them not to leave.
Today the sit-in ended ensuring the deal with government, though no change will arrive in capital.
Pakistan is the most critical nation. Crises are affecting not only Pakistan but whole world. Its people are always seeking revolution but it is an admitted fact that revolution cannot be the fate of a nation unless the people of that nation become vigilant of their rights and rise their voices.