CHECK OUT my new Rap Release: The Promise Man - Please bear in mind that it is not the people who already believe in the Constitution that we need to engage, attract,inform and educate It is people who are not in our crowd yet.One clip in the video of former Republican Candidate for Vice President Ryan, who many would say was on tract and defending the Constitution; yet you see he makes fun of those of us Birthers who are standing up for truth despite unpopular media coverage as we have recognized that the economic conditions in our country have indeed been compromised with the principles of our Constitution being flushed. 2013/01/ your-promise-man-cody-robert-ju dy-band.html Thank you for joining me in this. Sincerely, Cody Robert Judy We need your help - America needs your help - Here is where you can help Cody. The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign Cody Robert Judy for President Plaintiff/ SCOTUS Case No. JUDY v. OBAMA 12-5276 YouTube: CO