SHAME on YOU, Phil Mickelson! Torrey Pines is right up the road from that other disgusting La Jolla maligner, ex-GOP candidate Mitt Romney. Together, you two could sit down and complain about high taxes and the 47%!
You, Phil Mickelson, son of San Diego and a millionaire many times, over will sell your soul out to Arizona or Florida, just so you can keep a little more of the filthy lucre you've acquired by hitting a little ball around some over-watered grass.
Phil Mickelson undoubtedly knows what native San Diegans think of the "Zonies" who invade our city and beaches every summer. Cactus-ville is bad enough but who wants to live in skanky Florida--full of old New York retirees and sleazy strip clubs on every block?
Go join your cheater buddy, Tiger Woods, Phil, and build a palatial McMansion on Star Island. You owe every San Diegan and Californian an apology for your insensitive grousing. If you are unhappy with the millions that flow into your bank accounts, talk to your stockbroker or tax man. Perhaps those two can come up with some scheme to save you more money so we don't have to listen to you whine.
At a time when most people lack a job or have lost their homes to foreclosure, the public has to endure meat heads like Mickelson mouthing off. Mitt and Mickelson would not survive a month out in the real world of crappy jobs and food stamps that have run out a week before the end of the month.
These fat wallet types should learn to keep their mouths shut when they want to insult the beautiful state they were born and grew up in. Maybe California's Gov. Moonbeam can extend some tax relief to Phil, by offering him a free U-Haul van to load up his Rancho Santa Fe mansion and become a dreaded "Zonie."
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Mickelson.
photo credit: Forbes Magazine