Coca-Cola - "Your Customers Are Not Stupid"
Coca Cola Company failed to realize that we the customers can also Count......Did they fail to......
PERU POSSIBLE JESUS JIMENEZ LABAN; Presidente de Centrum Laban Imagino que el efecto marketero de está frase debe ser atracción para tocar la puerta y entrar al salón de oportunidades que ofrece Peru a...
View ArticleIce Cold Beer
We were keeping our drinks outside to get cold & forgot this one! It was -18 degrees overnight here in Lake Placid, NY and is currently about negative 5.
View ArticleSmall town store robbed at gunpoint
A recent armed robbery on January 1st 2013 of The Family Corner in Louisburg, NC, which is the second robbery in a few months has left a family of four devastated & struggling just to feed their...
View ArticlePearl Harbor Initiative Receives Freedoms Foundation Award
Pearl Harbor Initiative co-organizers, Holly Shelton and William F. Phillips, were honored at the Pensacola Chapter of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge for their efforts to spearhead one of the most...
View ArticleClinton Saved By Political Whores
Clinton's hearing today was a farce and our useless career politicans failed to get serious with her as they........
View ArticleI do not believe in God, and I attend church and don't feel guilty...
I do NOT believe in God, and I attend church and do not feel guilty... The recent ireports definitely have sparked lots of views from readers. I'm somewhat disheartened that so many views come from...
View ArticleMy Gay (Biological) Father
My family life growing up was as typical as any upper-middle class family you can imagine. My parents married in the 70's, had their first child in 1978, and then had me 3 years later. My mother and...
View ArticleHermosillo será la Catedral del beisbol latino del primero al siete de febrero
Festival Desierto y caribe Hermosillo se declara listo para la Serie del Caribe Hermosillo, Sonora; 23 de enero de 2013.- Dispuestos a dejar huella y ofrecer un evento sin comparaciones, Hermosillo se...
View ArticleRodeo Clowns
A while back, deep in a youtube binge session, I stumbled across a video that made my blood boil, and my heart sink. I watched a documentary by the animals rights group SHARK that showcased the cruelty...
View ArticleListo Hmo.para recibir a miles de visitantes a la Serie del Caribe
Autoridades locales y estatales, hoteleros y restauranteros realizan la cuenta regresiva hacia este evento deportivo internacional. • Estadio Sonora listo para albergar los partidos; MLB aprobó...
View ArticleSunrise over the Capitol
The sun rose bright over the Capitol and DC inauguration morning.
View ArticleVoyager Shout Out
We would like to enter a shout out. This is Ms Razzano's 6th grade Social Studies class at Voyager Middle School in Everett, Washington.
View ArticleNew Self-Improvement Book Teaches About Ancient Wisdom, Spirituality and...
New Self-Improvement Book Teaches About Ancient Wisdom, Spirituality and Their World New self-improvement book about Taoist inspired spirituality just released by licensed practitioner of Chinese...
View ArticleHonoring Stan Musial
Regarded as a hero in the city of St. Louis, passersby can see the incredible impact his passing has had on the city.
View Articlebuffet rule
dont understand how cnn anchors say warren buffet advocates higher taxes without even fact checking the reason why he says it. If he really wants higher taxes why is he fighting against IRS to not to...
View ArticleWhy am I against Illegal Immigrants
No… I am not some back woods, survivalist, redneck white republican angry at the most recent election. I am a first generation immigrant, who went through all the immigration issues. Then you would ask...
SHAME on YOU, Phil Mickelson! Torrey Pines is right up the road from that other disgusting La Jolla maligner, ex-GOP candidate Mitt Romney. Together, you two could sit down and complain about high...
View ArticleThe Promise Man
CHECK OUT my new Rap Release: The Promise Man - Please bear in mind that it is not the people who already believe in the Constitution that we need to engage, attract,inform and educate It is people...
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